Safe Tech Tucson is working to enact a telecommunications ordinance that protects public safety, privacy and property values in the face of the 5G cell tower deployment.
Sign the petition for a protective
ordinance for the City of Tucson
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Tucson Residents:
5G cell towers are rapidly invading Tucson's neighborhoods without our consent. These towers emit pulse-modulated microwave radiation 24 hours a day and represent the newest source of environmental pollution in Tucson. The towers are being installed next to our homes, schools and businesses, endangering public safety, negatively impacting property values, and putting our privacy at risk. They change the entire character of our neighborhoods, not to mention blocking our beautiful mountain views.
What can be done about this problem? Tucson's Mayor and City Council must adopt a new telecommunications ordinance that protects our constitutional rights to safety, property and privacy--
as is being done in other municipalities around the country.
Please join our efforts in urging the City to adopt a protective telecommunications ordinance!
Residents and business owners from across Tucson and Pima county have proposed such an ordinance, the Tucsonans' Wireless Telecommunications Ordinance, which gives guidance for providing the needed protections while complying with state and federal law.

Click here to view the video of this event.

Have you noticed that more and more 5G cell towers, also called "small-cells," are popping up all over Tucson every day, some of them right in front of homes, schools, businesses and daycares? As of January 2023 over 500 had already been installed.
Do you wonder if a 5G cell tower might be placed near your home or business, or your child's school, any day now? Perhaps, one already is--you can look and see where all current towers are located and plans for future towers here. The telecommunications companies intend to install these towers across all of Tucson, and at the moment the City of Tucson is letting them have their way.
The densification of these towers is a nuisance, compromising our health, wreaking havoc on the beautiful Tucson landscape, obstructing our views, devastating property values, and violating our privacy.
If nothing is done, wherever you look you will see new, redundant, overpowered 5G cell towers cemented on almost every block in Tucson, in all residential neighborhoods and commercial areas, and on a corner of every park.
The City of Tucson's current handling of Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF) code violates not only our fundamental rights enshrined in the constitutions of the State of Arizona and the United States. It also violates laws currently on the books that govern these installations and even those that govern public access to WTF records.
These towers endanger public safety
Over 20,000 peer-reviewed studies undertaken by the U.S. government and university scientists have shown that the pulse-modulated microwave radiation emitted by WTFs has negative effects on all forms of life: humans, animals and plants. The towers emit more “Effective Radiated Power” than necessary, a violation of federal law (USC 47 §324). They thus expose us to excessive, ubiquitous microwave radiation in our homes, schools and businesses.
They violate privacy
Microwave GHz frequencies can be used to generate images, steal identities and gather information on our habits and behaviors. They are being used right now for social crediting and engineering in China.
They reduce property values
Research indicates that over 90% of home buyers and renters are far less interested in properties near cell towers and would pay less for a property close to cellular antennas. A price drop of 20% or more is found in multiple surveys and published articles.
Who decides where these cell towers will be installed? The telecommunications companies like Verizon and AT&T. Both state and federal law requires co-location of antennas on existing infrastructure. But the City of Tucson has not enforced this law. Why? City officials say it's because the companies don't want to.
In August 2021 the City of Tucson issued a "Public Utility Administrative Manual" that has led to better notification of residents and business owners, and allows for public comment. However, it does not compel the telecommunications companies to change their plans in response to comments. And, so far, comments sent in have not even been met with an acknowledgement of receipt.
The City of Tucson has not yet stepped up to regulate operations of WTFs to the full extent that it is able, including lawfully denying permits that do not intend to co-locate.


City of Tucson office complex
Presidio Park
The Tucsonans' Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance was written by a group of volunteer residents and business owners working with top experts around the country in telecom law, public health, and wireless technology. It was submitted to the City of Tucson on March 24, 2021. This model ordinance protects public safety, privacy and property values while still meeting the City's telecommunications needs and abiding with state and federal law.
We need your help raising awareness and educating Tucsonans and our elected officials about the impacts of 5G cell towers on public safety, privacy and property values. We also need your help urging Mayor Romero and our City Council members to adopt a protective telecommunications ordinance, such as the Tucsonans' Wireless Telecommunications Ordinance, because the uncontrolled densification of 5G cell towers affects you, your family, your neighbors, and the animals and plants of the Sonoran desert.

Videos of residents and experts meeting with City of Tucson staff
March 2021
Professor Russ Witte, PhD's presentation on "Problems with 4G/5G Wireless Infrastructure and Improving Tucson's Wireless Telecom Code" [6 min]

Dr. Witte is a Tucson native and Professor in the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona

Julian Gressor is an international attorney, professional negotiator, and inventor. He was a visiting professor at Harvard Law School and MIT's Program on Science, Technology and Society.
Renowned Attorney Julian Gressor explains to Tucson City Staff that they have legal authority to regulate 4G/5G wireless telecom infrastructure [10 min]
Tucson's Dr. Hillel Balwin, MD
on the effects of microwave radiation from cell towers on the brain and nervous system.
December 2022
Dr. Baldwin recently retired from clinical practice in neurosurgery at the Carondelet Neurological Institute and previously served as Chief of Neurosurgery at Tucson Medical Center, Northwest Medical Center and El Dorado Hospital. He was also the President of the Arizona Neurosurgical Society.

5G cell towers affect animals and plants too

Robin Motzer, Habitat Restoration Expert
I speak for the Trees and Nature.
Manmade electromagnetic radiation is harmful for trees ... damage afflicted on trees by cell towers usually starts on one side, extending to the whole tree over time. Each antenna projects a known toxic pollutant — pulsed, data-modulated, Microwave Radiation — a public safety hazard. For 5-bars’ telecommunications service and quiet enjoyment of our streets (-85 dBm .. or 0.002 watts), is all we need.
With the 2nd largest bee population in Pima County, one of the largest biodiversity sites of flora and fauna in the world ...
our area demands the highest standard of protection. It’s a national
and international treasure. And we owe it to the plants that bring
us not only food, but also imagination, transformation, and
spiritual fulfillment.
Excerpts from Comments to Tucson City Council, March 9, 2021