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Ward 1 Communications

Letter to Lane Santa Cruz. April 29, 2021

To: City Council Member Lane Santa Cruz (Ward 1):

From: Tucson/Pima County Residents and Business Owners

Re: Follow up: Tucsonans' Wireless Telecom Facilities Ordinance


April 29, 2021


Dear City Council Member Lane Santa Cruz,


On behalf of a large and growing list of residents and entrepreneurs across Tucson and Pima County, we urge you to put the Tucsonans’ Wireless Telecom Facilities Ordinance (TWTFO) on the public agenda for discussion and vote as soon as possible. The TWTFO was drafted by well-informed local residents and vetted by leading experts in public safety, microwave technology, and telecom law. We emphasize that the TWTFO will not only put Tucson in compliance with state and federal telecom law, but further take full advantage of these same laws by better protecting and preserving public safety, privacy and property values, which you took an oath of office to honor and protect.


Your constituents have been anticipating your feedback since the TWTFO was sent to you on March 24.

Please answer the following questions to let us know where you stand:


1) Are you ready to solve the city's wireless/small cell problems by engaging with your well-in[1]formed and networked constituents? We are ready to work with you.


2) Have you discussed the TWTFO with the city attorney (Mike Rankin or Roy Lusk) and, if so, has he offered a point-by-point written legal argument (in support or in opposition) to each proposed amendment to the local ordinance (Sec. E, pages 26-36)?


3) Renowned telecom attorney Andrew Campanelli has graciously offered a free consultation to dis[1]cuss options Tucson should be considering to fix major deficiencies in the local telecom ordinance. Are you ready to take advantage of this opportunity?


4) Will you please meet with a few of us for 15 – 30 min. (in-person or virtual) to discuss the TWTFO and answer questions before putting it on the agenda for public discussion?


We look forward to your responses as soon as possible and no later than Monday, May 3 at 5pm.



Bradford Trojan, B.A.

Tucson Resident (Ward 1)


On behalf of Tucson residents and business owners

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