How to access Tucson small-cell tower permits and other info
Open and view the map
1. Open the street light map (see above)
2. Go to the location of interest by either

Permit Detail
Reviews (e.g., electrical, historic, engineering…)
Completed Inspections: this is where you can get info on the timing of progress towards actual installation and the installation itself
Documents: Various pdf versions of the permit. If there is more than one it may be because of a permit renewal, plan change, or contractor. Bigger numbers (e.g., -R2, -R3 are more recent, but often the full pdf with engineering plans is the oldest document)
Panning and zooming to the desired location
Search by address or intersection in the top-left search bar
Wait until all the green, red and yellow symbols are displayed
3. To focus only on small-cells, click on the filter symbol in the top-right bar
4. Select (mouse click) on one of these symbols, as appropriate to your interest:
Find and view tower permits and other info
5. Highlight and copy the permit number
6. Go to the PRO (Property Research Online) web page:
7. Select “Activity Search” on the left (address search will not show small cell info since they are not at property addresses)
8. Paste in the permit number from #5 above
9. Click the blue search button, view the initial information as needed (Status, Dates, Description)
10. Click on the blue bar with the permit number in it
11. Scroll down to view sections
Who to contact with questions about small-cell towers
Nick Gasior, City of Tucson Utility Coordinator
Phone: (520) 240-3637